Savor the Spirit of Christmas with Authentic Latin Flavors: Receta de la Carne Marinada

Celebrate the magic of Christmas with a burst of traditional Latin flavour! In this blog post, we’re diving into a time-honoured recipe that captures the essence of festive Latin American cuisine – Receta de la Carne Marinada. This marinated meat dish is not only a culinary delight but also a perfect addition to your Christmas feast. Let’s unwrap the secrets of this delectable recipe that’s bound to bring joy to your holiday table.

Ingredients That Tell a Story

  • 10 lbs of Pork Shoulder (Should): The heart of this dish, the pork shoulder, provides a tender and succulent base for the marinade.
  • 24.81 grams of Achiote: Achiote, also known as annatto, adds a warm, earthy flavour and a vibrant red colour to the marinade, creating a visual feast.
  • 6 Bay Leaves (Hojas de Laurel): These aromatic leaves infuse the meat with a subtle fragrance, enhancing the overall sensory experience.
  • 17 grams of Salt (Sal): A crucial element for seasoning, salt brings out the natural flavours of the meat and other ingredients.
  • 42.5 grams of Red Chili (Chile Colorado): For a hint of heat and a burst of colour, red chili adds a spicy kick to the marinade.
  • 13 grams of White Vinegar (Vinagre Blanco): The acidity of vinegar not only tenderizes the meat but also balances the richness of the pork.
  • 10 Garlic Cloves (Dientes de Ajo): Garlic, a staple in Latin cuisine, contributes its bold, pungent flavour to the marinade.

Crafting the Flavor Symphony


  • Blend and Infuse: Combine all ingredients in a blender, except for 5 garlic cloves and the bay leaves. Blend for 3 minutes until a smooth, vibrant marinade forms.
  • Macerate for Intensity: Place the pork shoulder in a container, add the remaining garlic cloves and bay leaves, and pour the marinade over the meat. Allow it to marinate for a couple of days, letting the flavours meld and intensify.

A Christmas Tradition Worth Sharing

Receta de la Carne Marinada is more than just a recipe; it’s a culinary journey that connects you to the heart of Latin American traditions. Share the joy of this mouthwatering dish with family and friends, creating lasting memories and establishing a new Christmas tradition.


This Christmas, elevate your festivities with the bold and authentic flavours of Receta de la Carne Marinada. Whether you’re steeped in Latin American traditions or looking to add a cultural twist to your holiday feast, this marinated meat recipe is a delicious and aromatic choice that will have everyone at the table asking for seconds. Bring the warmth and vibrancy of Latin cuisine to your Christmas celebration! ¡Felices Fiestas!
